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新年快乐!Happy New Year

马到成功!Win success immediately upon arrival

马上有钱!Get rich immediately

合家欢乐,万事顺利!A happy and prosperous family, may everything go smoothly.


我们去亲戚家拜年的英文翻译是\"We went to relatives\' house to pay New Year\'s call\".


祝你新年快乐用英文表达是\"Happy New Year to you\". \"Happy\" means feeling or showing joy, being pleased or satisfied. It conveys good wishes to the person it is being said to.


祝你来年好运连连! May you have good luck in the year ahead! Good luck is the key to success and prosperity in the coming year.

恭喜发财! May you become prosperous! This phrase is used to congratulate someone on their financial success or to wish them financial prosperity in the coming year.

多福多寿! Live long and prosper! This traditional Chinese New Year phrase wishes the recipient a long and healthy life.


祝你好运、健康、快乐。愿你在新的一年里取得更多成就。 With best wishes for good luck, good health, and happiness. May you achieve more success in the coming year.



1. Happy New Year!

2. Wishing you good health and good luck!

3. Please accept my season\'s greetings.



用中文兔年拜年祝福语: 新年快乐、身体健康、事业顺利、阖家欢乐等。

用英文兔年拜年祝福语: Happy New Year in the Year of the Rabbit, may you have good luck and great success. Wishing you a happy and prosperous year ahead.

如何提问回答是happy new year?

如何提问回答是happy new year?

提问:How do you say \"Happy New Year\" in English?

回答:The same to you! 或者 Happy New Year to you too!


新年快乐和也祝你新年快乐的英文是: Happy new year and also wish you a happy New Year.


新年第一天我们将要去拜访朋友的英文是:On the first day of the new year, we are going to visit friends.