> 春节2024 > 过年是干嘛呢英文




What do you usually do during Spring Festival


  1. 举办丰盛的饭局
  2. 过年就是要吃好喝好,尤其是盛大的年夜饭是过年的重头戏。根据统计数据显示,中国每年过年期间的餐饮消费额都会有显著的增长,人们花费更多的金钱在美食上,以庆祝新的一年的到来。

  3. 收红包
  4. 过年期间,人们会互相拜访亲友,以示一家人团圆完整。在这个过程中,长辈们通常会给孩子们红包,象征祝福和吉祥。根据数据显示,每年过年期间,中国人民的红包金额都在持续增加。

  5. 与亲友相聚
  6. 过年是与亲友团聚的好时机。人们会回到家乡,与父母、兄弟姐妹、亲戚朋友一起度过这个特别的假期。根据数据显示,中国人每年返乡的数量都在增加,人们都希望能与家人团聚过年。

  7. 去旅游
  8. 春节期间,很多人会选择出行旅游,尤其是一些热门的旅游景点。人们希望通过旅游来放松身心,欣赏美丽的风景,留下美好的回忆。根据统计数据,中国国内旅游的人次每年都在高速增长。

  9. 玩电脑游戏
  10. 对于一些年轻人来说,过年期间也是他们放松、娱乐的好时间。他们可能会玩电脑游戏,与朋友们一起在线游戏,增加社交互动。根据数据显示,中国电脑游戏市场的规模每年都在扩大。



  1. 春节的日期
  2. 春节是根据农历计算的,一般在公历1月底到2月初之间,具体日期每年有所不同。

  3. 人们的活动
  4. 在春节期间,人们会进行一系列的庆祝活动,包括祭祖、赏花灯、放鞭炮、舞狮子等。在这个特殊的节日里,人们更加注重家庭团聚和传统文化的传承。

  5. 春节的习俗
  6. 春节有许多独特的习俗,比如贴春联、贴福字、吃年夜饭、看春晚、包饺子等。每个地方还有自己特色的习俗和活动,如北方的冰灯、南方的舞火龙等。

Spring Festival是什么意思

英语词组Spring Festival是中国传统节日——春节的意思。“Spring Festival”用作名词,注意两个单词的首字母必须大写,一般还需要在前面加上定冠词“the”。



Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It usually comes in January or February. Chinese people will prepare for Spring Festival about one month in advance. First, they will clean their houses, which represents getting rid of the old and welcoming the new. Then, they will decorate their houses with red lanterns, couplets, and Fu characters, which symbolize good luck and happiness. The highlight of Spring Festival is the family reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. All family members will gather together, enjoy delicious food, and watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. During the Spring Festival, children will receive red envelopes with money from their elders, which brings them good fortune for the coming year. In addition, people will visit their relatives and friends, exchange greetings, and wish each other a happy new year. Fireworks and firecrackers are also set off to celebrate the festival. Everyone is immersed in a joyful and festive atmosphere.



  1. 回老家拜访祖父母
  2. During Spring Festival, I usually visit my grandparents in my hometown. It\'s a great opportunity to spend quality time with my family and receive their blessings.

  3. 看电视
  4. During Spring Festival, watching TV is one of my favorite activities. I enjoy watching the Spring Festival Gala and various festive programs with my family.

  5. 收到很多红包
  6. During Spring Festival, I always receive a lot of red envelopes. It feels great to get some extra pocket money and it brings me good luck for the new year.

  7. 吃美味的食物
  8. During Spring Festival, I indulge in delicious food. From dumplings to niangao (sticky rice cake), there are so many traditional dishes that I look forward to enjoying during this festive season.

  9. 玩电脑游戏
  10. I also play computer games during Spring Festival. It\'s a fun way to relax and spend time with friends, especially when we have a break from all the traditional celebrations.


Chinese New Year is approaching, and there are several preparations that families usually make:

  1. 打扫卫生
  2. 在新年前,家庭会进行大扫除,把家里打扫得干干净净,以崭新的面貌迎接新的一年。

  3. 买年货
  4. 准备过年期间需要的各种食物和用品。人们会购买大米、面粉、糖果、水果等,以及年画、烟花爆竹等年货。

  5. 安排行程
  6. 规划在春节期间的旅行计划,比如去亲戚家拜年、去旅游等。人们会提前预订车票和酒店,以确保顺利出行。

  7. 布置房间
  8. 为新年做准备,人们会在房间里贴上春联、福字等,以营造喜庆的氛围。

  9. 准备年菜
  10. 在新年前,家庭会准备一些特别的菜肴,如饺子、年糕、鱼等,以庆祝新的一年的到来。



  1. 燃放鞭炮
  2. 春节期间,人们会燃放鞭炮,以破旧迎新,驱除病魔和邪气,也象征着吉祥和福气。烟花鞭炮声此起彼伏,给节日增添了喜庆氛围。

  3. 舞龙舞狮
  4. 舞龙舞狮是春节期间常见的民间表演,舞动的龙和狮子象征着祥瑞和吉祥。人们通常在庙会、街头等地方观看这一活动。

  5. 赏花灯
  6. 春节期间,各地都会举办花灯展览,人们可以欣赏到各种精美的灯笼和花灯,特别是在元宵节这一天,花灯展览更是盛大。

  7. 拜年
  8. 春节期间,人们会互相拜年,向亲友致以新年的祝福。传统上,晚辈会给长辈拜年,拜年时要行大礼,称呼长辈的名字后加上“恭喜发财,红包拿来”等吉祥话。


春节的英语表达可以是“Chinese New Year”,也可以简称为“Spring Festival”,两种方式都是正确的。

Zen Space